Not quite what it seems…

What can possibly go wrong…

I had been invited along to a group shoot at the nearby Heart of England Conference Centre. A very strange location in that geographically it is pretty much as far from any sea that it is possible to get in the UK but boasts its very own beach!

Now I have to admit that I always have mixed feelings about Group Shoots, you know the scenario 300 photographers paying , 5 models attending for free, however this one was different and intrigued me. It was a real TF shoot, no one was paying and everyone was being treated equally.  This had to a good thing and it had a beach! Oh and an 8am start……(luckily just before the actual day the venue advised it would need to be a 9am start – so an extra hour in bed!)

Unusually for a group shoot the drop out rate was very low with only two of the models failing to make the event (a good opportunity missed). Arriving at the event we had a small room laid aside for us to use with a large table full of make up, accessories, a rack of clothing – this was looking ever better!

There had been a few themes mooted around, faeries, weddings and the like, and I had bought along an amazing wolf head mask that I had from Ghoulias Peculiars who are a truly amazing prop makers and well worth a look.

So did anything go wrong? Well, yes of course it did……….. It rained (this is England) and we had maybe a whole 15 minutes where it was slightly damper than we anticipated. My very trusty pocket wizards decided they didn’t want to play properly ( a search on google tells me that me trying to be creative wasn’t going to work and I should have left the metering in evaluative and dialled the flashes down rather that spot metering!).

Pictures, you want pictures?










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